~My Near Death Experience

June 16, 1980
I never thought would die in London.
        It was an auto accident.  My sons, Chris and Tim, and I were returning from seeing Salisbury and Stone Henge driving through Kingston, a London suburb.  It was late in the evening, dark, the rain was battering our windshield.  I was trying to weave myself through centuries of lack of cohesive road planning and random streets back to our hotel in a rented Mini my sons and I had affectionately dubbed, Bilbo Baggins, one of the smallest autos made.  I kept smelling exhaust fumes and would try to roll the windows down, but the downpour was invasive that I would have to give in and roll them back up.  Apparently, I lost consciousness and according to my son, Chris, the car swerved with almost a ninety degree turn as though I were turning on to a side street and met a Mercedes Benz head on probably with a total impact speed between the two cars of ninety miles per hour.  The last thing I remember here was the rain, the dark, and trying to drive though the small London streets.  Then here I am.
   I am part of infinite Love and white light----like being in love on a summer's day with the sun shining and feeling no separate reality and no self.  It is everything and it is me.  There are no words for it, only the indelible image---like a child being loosely covered over by  an eggshell-white, satin blanket in a state of loving laughter, but without the identity of the child.  The  onlyperception is the joy of being enfolded by so much love without any fear.
       There is no separate self, no ego, no world, no struggle, no breath, nothing but the feelings ached for in a lifetime.  The light is not a visual light outside, but Love, permeating everything to the point where whatever I was on earth no longer exists and may never have.  Were I on the earth, I would be sobbing for it is all I ever wanted after all.  It is what I sought in the love of my mate, the mountains, my children, the surf, the sun---anything I loved with complete abandon.  It has to be what is clumsily described in religious texts as the "presence of God."
    It is impossible to describe with concrete images because it is truly a non-physical experience so it is all feeling.  Some of it happens in this reality.  It is like experiences here in only pieces.  I remember listening to music and being at the point where all that exists is the symphony and it was like I  disappeared  within the moment.   When something brought me back to the symphony hall, I came back startled that I had  lost touch with those around .
   It was love beyond any sense and description of love possible here.  It was more than kindness, "in love," freedom with complete abandon.  It was what happens when you run down the beach in the sun with waves lapping surrounded by beauty you cannot even absorb, but without the limits of even the beach and the sun and the beauty.  It was the purest love e and a gift to an aching, pain damaged heart.   The scars of a lifetime were gone completely and there was only the white, freedom light of Love enveloping, surrounding, encompassing and all.

        Then, the scene changed completely to a physical experience.  I returned to earth.  It was like there was a there and and a here, but still part of it all.  My senses returned in a heightened state. The light was gone and replaced by the frenzy of the physical body and senses.    Light was harsh and visual and so very different from me---so outside. Blood was cursing through my veins and I could actually feel the rush of blood with my body as it entered each capillary, I can feel my hair sprout out from its follicle. The incredible force of the entire earth's gravity pulled this body, I had abandoned, and would not relinquish its hold with an overwhelming power I could not fight so I lay motionless  forced against the cold, hard table on which my body had been placed.  Sound was almost unbearable.  I could  hear my breathing and the rush of air to fill a physical body  I was associated with, but not in. The smell of the lumber in the walls and the sense of the dead trees was there mixed with the odor of medicines and human sweat.  I think that this  is must be what it feels like to be born---harsh, cold, and loud.  I looked up and caught the eyes of a dark-haired woman in a blurred white dress looking sadly at what she thought was my dead body.
  I died in a head on collision and experienced "love to the millionth power" Upon my return I fell into a deep depression and could not find peace until a friend suggested to try automatic writing. I thought I'd give a try You see I wanted to go back to that love to the millionth power. After, I began automatic writing to my surprise, I was guided and informed that I would write four books to prepare the world for the next 100 years and the ascension.
    "Passage from fear " and "Passage from Karma" are the first two books. Both books were channeled from “The Source” 
  "You will see that life is not foreshadowing an extinction, but a tremendous period of growth, an unimaginable renaissance, more than has been felt by man on Earth. Very important to understand the forthcoming renaissance and be mentally prepared for the approaching events.
The third book "The Immortal Now" is about the ascension and the nature of the present time.

“In order to understand earth changes, one must understand the earth. One must understand the nature of the relationship of all life and understand the nature the characteristics of the earth. If one were to describe the earth, one would describe it as a ball of life, a focus of life, a concentration of life, a place of life with myriad forms of life expressing itself. One would not describe it as life-less. One would equate life with the earth. If one were thinking of the universe of ideas, the idea of life would be associated with the earth. Within the realm of the world of fear, is the fear that the only life that exists is the life expressed upon the earth and the scientists spend a great deal of time trying to find life elsewhere. They look to other planets. They do not look within. The greatest shift that is taking place within this paradigm is that they are discovering life within and once that discovery is made then perception of life on the earth will change. The perception of life is that the earth is not the only place that life exists. Life exists on multiple planes of existence within the individual, not exterior to the individual, so the search for life on other planets is not within other planets. The search must begin within.”
   “Life is not physical. It is thought. It is quantum physics. It is unlimited. It is a different realm of existence. It is much, much more than has been described within the scientific world. The scientific world is only coming to the brink of what is already understood within, so that this quantum shift, this ascension is a meld of all thought.”
  “Time is a fabrication within this plane of existence and it simply cannot connect to the multiple planes of existence in which you actually function and, therefore, it is very difficult for you to hold on to time because it is not part of what you truly experience.”
  "The fourth book "Love to The Millionth Power" is the final book and is the story behind the other three books is due to come out any day.
We are one love expressing itself.

~Patricia Grabow∞